Used to join networks
Update TC Link Key
Used to join Zigbee 3.0 centralized networks
Used to send periodic attribute reports Note that accuracy of reporting is relying on the LF clock source used (LFRCO, PLFRCO, LFXO)
I2C Driver
Used to implement I2C for Si7021 communication
Temperature Si7021
Driver implementation for the Si7021 (present on Thunder Board Sense boards)
Temperature Measurement Server Cluster
Implementation of ZCL Temperature Measurement Server Cluster This allows you to simply edit the plugin options and not waste time implementing any of it
Zigbee PRO Leaf Library
Lightened Zigbee PRO Library for End Devices use only
Find and Bind Initiator
Used to bind our device to a dicoverable Temperature Measurement Client Mandatory as reportings only work using bindings - per spec
Used to bring the device down to EM2
Identify Cluster
Blinks an LED to display stack status (only applicable when deep sleep is disabled)
Through the "Callbacks" tab, add the following functions (use the search bar to find it):
Finally, to safely link hardware events (i.e. button presses) to network or application actions (i.e. network joining, force sending reports) we need to declare Events in the ISC This is done through the "Includes" tab of the ISC file, in the last section named "Event Configuration"
There add 2 new events:
networkSteeringEventControl | networkSteeringEventHandler |
findingAndBindingEventControl | findingAndBindingEventHandler |
All of the previous applies only when you click the "Generate" button on top of the ISC file
Now that our project has its Plugins added, we will need to implement callback functions as well as events By default, all callback implementations go to project_name_callbacks.c file We will work there in this example
#include "em_gpio.h"
EmberEventControl networkSteeringEventControl;
EmberEventControl findingAndBindingEventControl;
void networkSteeringEventHandler(void);
void findingAndBindingEventHandler(void);
static void scheduleFindingAndBindingForInitiator(void);
static bool commissioning = false;
static uint8_t lastButton;
void emberAfMainInitCallback(void) {
This powers up the Si7021
void emberAfHalButtonIsrCallback(uint8_t button,
uint8_t state)
if (state == BUTTON_RELEASED) {
lastButton = button;
void networkSteeringEventHandler(void)
EmberStatus status;
if (emberAfNetworkState() == EMBER_JOINED_NETWORK) {
if (lastButton == BUTTON0) {
//To be programmed with something
} else if (lastButton == BUTTON1) {
//To be programmed with something
} else {
status = emberAfPluginNetworkSteeringStart();
emberAfCorePrintln("%p network %p: 0x%X",
commissioning = true;
If the device is not joined to a network, this will trigger a Network steering procedure Otherwise nothing (anything else can be coded) Note that we declared a static commissioning variable so that the full joining proces covers both steering and binding
void emberAfPluginNetworkSteeringCompleteCallback(EmberStatus status,
uint8_t totalBeacons,
uint8_t joinAttempts,
uint8_t finalState)
emberAfCorePrintln("%p network %p: 0x%X", "Join", "complete", status);
if (status != EMBER_SUCCESS) {
commissioning = false;
} else {
static void scheduleFindingAndBindingForInitiator(void)
We do that to let time to the stack to initiate networking operations first
void findingAndBindingEventHandler(void)
EmberStatus status = emberAfPluginFindAndBindInitiatorStart(TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_ENDPOINT);
emberAfCorePrintln("Find and bind initiator %p: 0x%X", "start", status);
This starts a find and bind procedure on the 1st Endpoint In this example it is fixed, but you can have it changed at runtime as long as your local endpoint exists
void emberAfPluginFindAndBindInitiatorCompleteCallback(EmberStatus status)
emberAfCorePrintln("Find and bind initiator %p: 0x%X", "complete", status);
commissioning = false;
At this stage, network joining is complete and working
bool emberAfPluginIdleSleepOkToSleepCallback(uint32_t durationMs)
return false;