Modification to replace the UART by RTT interface

  1. Select the project file (.slcp)

  2. go to the Software Components view

  1. add the RTT and IOSTREAM: RTT components

  1. open sl_cli_config_inst0.h in the config directory of your project and modify line 110 as:
   #define SL_CLI_INST0_IOSTREAM_HANDLE    sl_iostream_rtt_handle
  1. select file trx_ci.c and comment lines 727 to 730 and 789/790 to remove UART wake up feature capability as we have no UART anymore. as you modify a SDK linked file, you will be asked to copy it in the project for the modifications.

  //    GPIO_ExtIntConfig(VCOM_RX_PORT,
  //                      VCOM_RX_PIN,
  //                      VCOM_RX_PIN,
  //                      false, true, true);
  //    GPIO_IntDisable(1U << VCOM_RX_PIN);
  //    GPIO_IntClear(1U << VCOM_RX_PIN);

Once you have done all of the above, your project is ready and you can compile and flash it.