Common usage of Chip Tool

Commissioning the node

  1. First, you need a built and running Border Router from which you recovered the dataset :

    To do so run the following ot-ctl commands :

    sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x
  2. Then you need to retrieve setup-pin-code and discriminator from the Matter device. That information can be obtained with JLink RTT viewer after a reset of the device:

    <info  > [DL] Device Configuration:
    <info  > [DL]   Serial Number: TEST_SN
    <info  > [DL]   Vendor Id: 9050 (0x235A)
    <info  > [DL]   Product Id: 21324 (0x534C)
    <info  > [DL]   Hardware Version: 0
    <info  > [DL]   Setup Pin Code: 73141520
    <info  > [DL]   Setup Discriminator: 3840 (0xF00)
    <info  > [DL]   Manufacturing Date: (not set)
    <info  > [DL]   Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
  3. Finally you need to choose a node id that will be used later after commissioning to send ZCL command to the node. As an example 12344321.

  4. Once you gathered all of the above information, you can proceed with actual commissioning

    Start by going into the build folder :

    cd connectedhomeip/out/standalone

    Then simply run the chip-tool binary as follows :

    ./chip-tool pairing ble-thread [node-id] hex:[operationalDataset] [setup-pin-code] [discriminator]

    As an example with node-id, dataset, pin-code and discriminatorset :

    ./chip-tool pairing ble-thread 12344321 hex:0e080000000000010000000300000f35060004001fffe0020811111111222222220708fd3a0171dcccd9a0051000112233445566778899aabbccddeeff030e4f70656e54687265616444656d6f01021234041061e1206d2c2b46e079eb775f41fc72190c0402a0fff8 73141520 3840

    Note : It is very important NOT TO FORGET the hex: in front of the dataset hex string

    If commissioning is successfull you should see this message at the end of operation:

      [1643224216.709173][2269:2274] CHIP:TOO: Device commissioning completed with success

    At this point your device should appear on your thread network as a router


If you precisely follow all of the previous sections (including git checkouts and prerequisites), you should have built Python controller

Still, if you run into some of these issues:

  • If you run into commissioning issues
    1. Verify that your dataset is correct
    2. Try to factoryreset both the border router and the controller using sudo ot-ctl factoryrest before commissioning
    3. Try to use a new node id