Commission the node to the OTBR at thread level for a test:

This is to test the Thread transport layer is working ok.

configure the border router to create a subG network:

first restart the RCP to default settings by connecting to the RPi and issuing:

sudo ot-ctl factoryreset

Now, we will configure the border router:

> sudo ot-ctl

>> thread stop  ##--> shutdown the stack
>> ifconfig down  ##--> stop OTBR network
>> channel 4  ##--> to move the radio to a subG channel (1 to 10)
>> ifconfig up  ## --> to take into account new configured IPv6 settings
>> thread start ## --> restart stack
>> ipaddr ##--> to check node addresses like example below
>> channel ##--> 4
>> panid  ##--> 0xface
>> masterkey
	##--> 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff   
	##-->  useful for the commissioning of the nodes in the second section.

commission the node :

Now we move to the node to be added to this subG OpenThread network. Oopen a terminal (TeraTerm ) or other to connect to the node CLI

> factoryreset
> state
	--> should be disabled
> dataset channel 4
> dataset panid 0xdaf7
	--> panid of the OTBR above to join its network
> dataset masterkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
	--> reuse OTBR masterkey above
> dataset commit active

> ifconfig up   
> thread start  --> start stack and proceed with commissioning using committed dataset
> ipaddr --> to check node addresses like example below


Now to check the node is in the network you ping the OTBR:

> ping fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00  ##--> address of the OTBR
	--> should give you a confirmation the node is on the network