Initial steps

If you are not already running Ubuntu natively on your computer, you will need an alternative to develop Matter devices

What you need

  1. A Linux Environment

  2. git installed on your build machine

    For above mentionned systems a simple package manager installation should work

    sudo apt install git
  3. Matter Dependencies installed

  4. A Jlink compatible Flash Utility installed on your machine

  5. A Silicon Labs Wireless Starter Kit which can support Matter developments

    Full list is available on this page

    Important Note: Due to RAM limitations, Matter support on EFR32MG21 platform is now deprecated

    Preferred and most economic option being our Thunderboard Sense 2

Choosing a Linux environment

Matter needs to be built within a unix environment

There are several options listed below :

  • Using a bare metal environment by installing a distro directly on a computer (Ubuntu 20.04, Mac) - RECOMMENDED

  • Using a bare metal environment by installing a distro directly on a Raspberry Pi (Ubuntu Server 20.04 64bits LTS3)

  • Installing Virtualbox and creating a Virtual Machine - RECOMMENDED:

    For this, download VirtualBox

    Once VirtualBox is installed, create a new virtual machine as a Linux Ubuntu 64 bit.

    Then either install Linux from an iso available here or a virtual disk already prepared here.

    In case you're installing from the iso, size the VM disk to at least 20GB to have room for the install and Matter SDK.

    • Configuring the Virtual Machine:

      Before running the VM, we need to configure networking setting and change network adapter to Bridge mode.

      • Open the VirtualBox and click on ‘Settings' of your Linux VM.
      • Click on ‘Network' and Select the ‘Adapter 1' tab.
      • Make sure ‘Bridge Adapter' is selected in the ‘Attached to:' box.
      • Click OK.
  • Using Ubuntu on Windows using WSL

    WSL is a feature disabled by default on Windows

    You can follow this Microsoft Getting Started with WSL to install it

    Important Note: When chosing your Linux distribution, make sure you select Ubuntu

Getting Started

  1. cd to your home directory if not already there :
    cd ~/
  2. Create a dedicated folder within your ~/matter_dev directory for this development purpose
    mkdir ~/matter_dev
    cd ~/matter_dev
  3. Check that you have git installed
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install git
    sudo apt update

    If some packages can be upgraded feel free to do so, but ensure to run an apt update as last command

  4. Install Dependencies

    Below dependencies are tied to the Matter github commit hash checked out on the next section (test_event_6 branch)

    sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ python pkg-config libssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libavahi-client-dev ninja-build python3-venv python3-dev python3-pip unzip libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev

    Now just reboot once

    sudo reboot

    Reconnect to your build machine Go back to your ~/matter_dev directory

    cd ~/matter_dev
  5. Make sure you have a JLink Flasing Utility installed

    There are two options to flash your devices with the freshly built binaries

    Important Note WSL does not support flash operations

    It might then not be possible for you to use command line utilities to flash your plugged starter kit

    To Flash your device build your binaries on WSL but cp them in the Windows File System /mnt/c/<location>

    • Adding Simplicity Commander (optionnal but recommended, only for VM and Bare Metal users)

      Simplicity Commander can be used to flash your Starter Kit with the binaries that you will build

      Note that commander CANNOT be run on Raspberry Pi, only on Windows, Mac and Linux x86_64 platforms

      If you build your binaries on WSL but locate them in the Windows File System, you can also use Commander from Windows

      Start by downloading the utility for your computer: Installer for Linux Installer for Windows Installer for Mac

      Note that Commander is installed by Simplicity Studio in <StudioInstallDir>\SimplicityStudio\v5\developer\adapter_packs\commander

      Or install each package and dependencies according to their README

      Note : Add Commander to your shell search path if you want to use Matter's flash helper scripts

      If not done, you will have to perform a 2 extra steps provided in the sample applications' guides

      Note : As mentioned above, this does not apply to Raspberry Pi OS and WSL

    • Using JLinkExe utility (required only for VM, Bare Metal and Raspberry OS users)

      You can install JLink on your system to flash your built binaries

      Go to JLink Download Page Look for the package that suits your platform and Download it

      For ease of use in a command line environment, we hosted a few packages on a Dropbox:

      Download as follows for a Native Linux environment or WSL:


      Then install using :

      sudo apt update
      sudo dpkg -i JLink_Linux_V758c_x86_64.deb
      sudo apt update
  6. Plug in your Thunderboard Sense 2 to your Raspberry Pi and check it is enumerated

    ls -ail /dev/ttyACM* 
    450 crw-rw-rw- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Nov 29 19:14 /dev/ttyACM0