Testing RCP throughput

Create Bluetooth - SoC Throughput (with display) application

One method to evaluate throughput of Bluez + RCP is to create a BLE connection between RCP and our SoC Throughput (with display) example application. Throughput will be evaluated by receiving notification or indication from the server (SOC throughput application) to the client (Bluez + RCP)

Follow this guide to prepare a BLE Radio Co-Processor (RCP)

The SoC Throughput (with display) application example is available in SimplicityStudio5. Compile and flash this example on an EFR32. Please verify that selected EFR32 supports the PHY that you would like to evaluate

Gatt of this application has a throughput test service with 4 characteristics as you can see on the following picture. These characteristics will be manipulated later by Bluez to run the throughput test.

To run throughput test, the client (here Bluez + RCP) have first to subscribe to several characteristics:

  • The Throughput result characteristic (adf32227-b00f-400c-9eeb-b903a6cc291b)
  • The Transmission ON characteristic (be6b6be1-cd8a-4106-9181-5ffe2bc67718)

It must also subcribe either to notification or indication depending on the type of test you want to run:

  • The Notifications characteristics (47b73dd6-dee3-4da1-9be0-f5c539a9a4be)
  • The Indications characteristics (6109b631-a643-4a51-83d2-2059700ad49f)

After subscription, client have to write 1 to the Transmission ON characteristic (be6b6be1-cd8a-4106-9181-5ffe2bc67718) to start the test.

After several second, client can stop the test by writing 0 to the Transmission ON characteristic (be6b6be1-cd8a-4106-9181-5ffe2bc67718).

Throughput result value will be displayed in the console of SoC Throughput application: