Gatt of this application has a throughput test service with 4 characteristics as you can see on the following picture. These characteristics will be manipulated later by Bluez to run the throughput test.
To run throughput test, the client (here Bluez + RCP) have first to subscribe to several characteristics:
It must also subcribe either to notification or indication depending on the type of test you want to run:
After subscription, client have to write 1 to the Transmission ON characteristic (be6b6be1-cd8a-4106-9181-5ffe2bc67718) to start the test.
After several second, client can stop the test by writing 0 to the Transmission ON characteristic (be6b6be1-cd8a-4106-9181-5ffe2bc67718).
Throughput result value will be displayed in the console of SoC Throughput application: